Emergency? All systems go!
Scienta Envinet's new MONA EPR facilitates incident management
For many years, ENVINET's product portfolio has included a number of established solutions that are upgraded on an ongoing basis: MONA for mobile deployment on the ground, in water and in the air, and SARA for stationary radiation monitoring. While MONA's large-volume detector evaluates the spectra at one-second intervals, thereby reliably providing nuclide data even when fast moving, SARA focuses on stability and precision under environmental conditions.
Scienta Envinet's new MONA EPR – Emergency Preparedness and Response – serves as a bridge between these two applications: a compact carrying case unit with the full range of measuring and supply electronics on board, including nuclide evaluation, display and numerous communication interfaces. LTE and GPS are standard, needless to say.
With a customizable basic dose rate measuring interval of five seconds, nuclides are identified automatically every minute. The local audiovisual detection alerts take both the ODL and the integral dose into account, as well as specific nuclides. With various detectors to choose from, plus an optional Geiger-Mueller counter and the HD-Spec high dose rate spectrometer to extend the measuring range, both device and team are fully prepared for any radiological contingency. Naturally, MONA EPR also monitors itself constantly to ensure maximum operational reliability and user safety.
As an EPR device, the operating concept is designed to meet the requirements of the emergency response team. The unit can also be handled safely with gloves and in the rain. If necessary, the integrated Wi-Fi enables MONA EPR to be connected directly to the NMC software via a laptop with enhanced visualization technology, whether from the emergency vehicle or in the field. The user interface has been optimized for crisis situations; all relevant data is displayed at a glance, including direct device access to provide rapid remote assistance to the task force.
To keep track of things in an emergency, even when several units are deployed in parallel, the devices stream the key data in real time via LTE to the NMC monitoring center manned by the director of operations. Four different operating modes guarantee that only relevant data is transmitted, thereby ensuring maximum efficiency, even in stressful situations.
Best of all, we developed MONA EPR in close collaboration with firefighters and radiation protection authorities to ensure a seamless emergency response.
If you too want to play it safe, we are at your service. Simply contact the ENVINET team of specialists at
Leading in Environmental Radiation Protection
Best regards
Scienta Envinet Team