What news do we have?
Newsletter March 2024
Newsletter November 2023
Newsletter August 2023
Newsletter July 2023
Newsletter June 2023
Newsletter February 2022
The container that has it all
The new installation in Portugal offers full-capacity monitoring and ensures enhanced security.
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Webinar December 2021
The new Scienta Envinet: Focus Radioxenon (SAUNA QUBE)
Tuesday, 14 December 2021, 11 to 12 am (Europe)
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Newsletter July 2021
Emergency? All systems go!
Scienta Envinet's new MONA EPR facilitates incident management
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Information April 2021
ENVINET GmbH has joined the Scienta Scientific Group
As of March 31, 2021, ENVINET GmbH became a new, proud member of the Scienta Scientific Group.
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Newsletter February 2021
Newsletter January 2021
Where you can meet us?
Bucharest, Romania Since 2001 EURADOS Annual Meetings (AM) are key elements in the agenda of the community working in the field of ionising radiation dosimetry. It has become a tradition to combine statutory actions of EURADOS with meetings of EURADOS Working Groups and also with events of general interest. We look forward to meeting you at our booth no.15. More...
Aix-en-Provence, France. RRFM, the European Research Reactor Conference, is the annual gathering of the research reactor community in Europe. In 2024 we invite you to join us in Aix-en-Provence, France. The conference programme will revolve around a series of Plenary Sessions dedicated to the latest global developments with regards to research reactor technology and management. We look forward to meeting you. More...
Le Méridien Charlotte, North Carolina.The Mission of the National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference is to provide a professional forum for individuals involved with the Radiological Emergency Preparedness programs to gather in the spirit of continuous self improvement to share program experiences, develop solutions to common challenges, and create innovative planning, exercising and training methodologies. We look forward to meeting you at booth no. 308. More...
Chemitz, Deutschland. 56. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz zum Thema "Strahlung - natürlich! Natürlich mit Strahlenschutz!“ Im Jahr 2025 ist Chemnitz die Kulturhauptstadt Europas und unser Ort für die 56. Jahrestagung. Mit seiner Lage nahe dem Erzgebirge befinden wir uns in der Nähe des größten „Radonvorsorgegebietes“ in Deutschland und in einer Region, in der sich in einer großen Dichte die Hinterlassenschaften des bis 1990 betriebenen Uranerzbergbaus befinden. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie an unserem Stand begrüßen zu dürfen. More...